At Rushey Mead Academy, we are absolutely committed to creating a happy and safe environment for our students to learn. We are therefore highly vigilant about safeguarding children and child protection. Our priority is to work with parents and carers and there may be times when we have to involve other agencies and services. Everybody has a responsibility to keep all children under the age of 18 safe. In most instances, the school will be able to inform the parents/carer of its need to make a referral.
RMA- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Anti-bullying advice for children and young people
Online Safety
It can be hard for parents to keep up with new technologies, and just thinking about keeping children safe online can seem daunting.
The main dangers children and their parents need to be aware of are: cyber bullying, grooming by sexual predators and the problems of posting personal or embarrassing information online.
It is important to remember that the internet is a fun and valuable place for children to play and learn, and the vast majority of the time using the internet is a fantastic experience for millions of children.
However there can be hidden dangers. On the internet people can be instantly connected and you cannot always be sure you are talking to the person you think you are. It is also worth remembering, once something is posted on the internet it is almost impossible to remove and so personal or embarrassing material can be seen by anyone, anywhere.
We shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the negatives, remember the internet is a great resource for children. It is important that we give them space to explore the internet, so they can learn to keep themselves safe.
Finally, remember children learn by exploring and that the world they live in includes the internet. You can help by making sure they learn in safety, by being there for them when they need you and by pointing them in the right direction if and when they need your guidance.
For more information visit the CEOPS website.
If you have any questions or concerns with regard to e safety please contact your child’s Assistant Head of Year or Mrs Chohan . Email: [email protected]