
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate they can be taught to love for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it’s opposite.” – Nelson Mandela

“All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness…the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives” – Dalai Lama


The Religious Education curriculum at Rushey Mead aims to give our students an in depth understanding of the complex religious and non-religious traditions that have shaped Great Britain and the world. This will involve students learning through 3 disciplines / lenses: theological, philosophical and human/social science.

This will help our students understand the impact different cultures and religions have on individuals and communities, as well as promoting British values and community cohesion by teaching students how to live in a tolerant, multi faith society whilst helping them make sense of their own place in the world. We want to provide our students with a relevant enriching curriculum which they can critically engage with and develop their high order thinking skills. Studying different religions and worldviews allows our students to reflect on their own identity, and consider the different responses to some of life’s most difficult questions. Our intention is to provide students with opportunities to explore diversity of thought, develop their own informed opinions and evaluate different points of view enabling them to make a positive difference in society.

Key Stage 3 features and summary

Units studied in years 7 and 8 include:

Year 7:

  • Theology: What do the Abrahamic stories reveal about God?
  • Human Social Sciences: Why is Christianity the way it is today?
  • Philosophy: Does the idea of God make sense?

Year 8:

  • Theology: Dharmic Faiths: What is their purpose in life?
  • Human and Social Sciences: Do we live in an equal society?
  • Philosophy: How do Humans make moral decisions?

Key Stage 4 features and summary

At Key Stage 4, all students follow the AQA full course GCSE in Religious Studies (A).  At the start of Year 9 students begin their GCSE course and continue this in years 10 and 11. Students will study units on Christianity, Buddhism, Peace and Conflict, Crime and Punishment, Religion and Life and Relationships and Families.

During the course students will explore ideas on spiritual, philosophical, ethical and moral dilemmas as well as place beliefs in the context of modern British society. Students are encouraged to incorporate their understanding of their own beliefs and experiences in their answers on the second examination paper.

The GCSE is assessed at the end of Year 11 with two 1 ¾ hour examinations

KS4 curriculum map & knowledge organisers

RE Curriculum Map KS4

KO Buddhism Practices

KO Buddhist Beliefs

KO Christian Beliefs

KO Christian Practices

KO Crime and Punishment

KO Peace and Conflict

KO Relationships and Families

KO Religion and Life

Assessment and feedback

KS3 and KS4 students are assessed through a range of assessments. These include end of / mid unit tests/ end of year assessments.

Students in all years will be given knowledge organisers to revise from for each unit.

After each assessment students will receive both individual written feedback in addition to whole class feedback.

Exam Board

AQA GCSE Religious Education

Useful websites and resources

Specimen papers http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-4055-W-TRB-CW.PDF

Subject specific vocabulary http://www.aqa.org.uk/resources/religious-studies/gcse/religious-studies-a/teach/subject-specific-vocabulary

Revision activities www.bbc.co.uk/academys/gcsebitesize/rs

Oak National Academy https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-4/subjects/religious-education

Co-curricular opportunities

Revision classes for GCSE students are run by teachers after school. Students should ask their RE teacher for the day and times of these.

Stretch and challenge opportunities

Students should be encouraged to read newspapers and watch the News to apply what they have learnt in lessons to “real life” situations.
An excellent way to support students in RE is to talk to them about what they are studying. Discussions at home help students develop their ideas and consider different points of view.
Visits to places of worship can be very useful in understanding the practices of religious believers.

Revision advice

Students should use the revision resources provided by their teachers and the attached documents.
Students will be provided with knowledge organisers for each unit they study to assist them in their revision.
Revision guides are provided to students free of charge.
Revision classes will run after school for GCSE students. Please see your teacher for the days and times of these.

Faculty Staff

Mr Georgiou (Subject Leader of RE) [email protected]
Ms Francis (Second in RE) [email protected]
Mrs Patel (Second in RE) [email protected]

Mrs Rai (Teacher of RE) [email protected]

Ms Kaletha (Teacher of RE) [email protected]

Mrs Greasley (Teacher of History and RE) [email protected]